We are excited to announce the next volume of FLKW magazine with the following contents!
Pioneers of Women’s Kendo – Interviews series 1 (7)
Fujita Hiromi (Japan)
Fujita sensei is one of the first AJKF Women’s Committee members at its establishment. She is a PE teacher and headmistress at junior high school.
Christiane & Dido Demski (Germany)
The Demski sisters are pioneers of women's kendo in Europe, starting in 1971 in West Berlin. Dido sensei was the first female referee at EKC in the late 90s. Christiane led ladies' kendo in Germany after returning from Kumamoto.
Ara Makiko (Canada)
Ara sensei has been the Vice-President of the Canadian Kendo Federation since 2007. She is a Nikkei who migrated to Canada when she was very young.
The Indomitable Ella Hattan—La Jaguarina by Paul Budden
What was the true face of the 19th-century American actress Ella Hattan?
Women’s Participation at the 19th World Kendo Championships by Kate Sylvester
This is the longest feature article in the magazine, running to 22 pages. It reports all the updates and new rules for the women's division at the 19th World Kendo Championships.
The 70th Anniversary of the Yamanashi Kendo Federation All Japan Women’s Kendo 7-dan Tournament by FLKW Editor
We interviewed the tournament committee chairperson and vice-president of the Yamanashi Kendo Federation, Kiyono Shinobu sensei! We will introduce the background to this tournament, what is to come, and the behind-the-scenes stories related to the tournament.
The long-awaited simultaneous event at the Nippon Budokan—The 63rd All Japan Women's Kendo Championship by FLKW Editor
This report summarises the details of the 63rd All Japan Women's Kendo Championship.
A Turning Point of European Women's Kendo—The 2nd Women Aki Taikai by Robin Jakuen
After the French Open, women's kendo in Europe, with France at its centre, has been in great flux.
Interview on Dan Grade Examinations with Kōda Kunihide by Sato Atsuko
This is the second edition of ‘Points on Training for Dan Grade Examinations’ that appeared in the previous issue. Sato Atsuko sensei, the chair of the Women's Committee, approaches Kōda Kunihide sensei to find out about practical training methods.
‘Tama-No-Ura Camellia’, the Flower of the Gotō Ireland by Sakuragi Harumi
This is a beautiful short article by Sakuragi sensei about Gotō island.
Book Review
We have two new books relating to women’s kendo that have recently been published.
Thinking Outside of the Box ⟪table manner in zen and suburi⟫ by Kobayashi Yuki
This is a heart-warming short essay based on the author's experiences at a Zen temple.